WACC Certificates (Pty) Ltd (hereafter WACC) own the WACC system.

The WACC system is an online platform that assists plumbers to certify their installations or work done. The system can also be used as an installation history for work carried out or products installed. It has been designed to for the user to stipulate the status of the work carried out, whether it to the regulations or not. This will give everyone that comes in contact with WACC the transparency of the installations that have been carried out.

The WACC system’s submissions may only be completed by a qualified registered plumber, the plumber before installation will advise the client of the non-compliance issues as per national legislation, the client will have the opportunity to adhere to the compliance to safeguard the warranty or refuse to carry out the work.

Non-compliance issues will be noted and a declaration will be signed by the end user.

    • The WACC system is a Registration system, owned by WACC.
    • WACC is not a regulatory body
    • The WACC system is a voluntary process to disclose the status of the installation of plumbing works and provide proof thereof.
    • WACC, its directors, employees shareholders, agents or representatives cannot be held responsible for fraudulent qualification documents presented to them during the registration process. Legal action will need to be taken on the person who has presented these documents.
    • WACC, its directors, employees shareholders, agents or representatives shall not be held responsible for any misrepresentation by the plumbers.
    • The installation shall adhere to SANS 10254, SANS 1352, SANS 10106 and SANS 10252 as per National Legislation.
    • The home owner is responsible for the adherence to the relevant legislation
    • WACC, its directors, employees shareholders, agents or representatives shall not be held responsible for product failure or any damages caused by product failure or bad workmanship.
    • WACC, its directors, employees shareholders, agents or representatives shall not be held liable for any injury or death caused by product failure.
    • WACC, its directors, employees shareholders, agents or representatives shall not be held accountable for any contractor’s actions during the installation of WACC branded products.
    • WACC is not the warranty holder.
    • By Clicking the term and conditions you agree and allow WACC to verify the documents provided on sign up.
    • WACC does not take responsibility for non SABS materials used in any installation done by its users.
    • By clicking the terms and conditions you are giving WACC the right to pass on your information to the relevant manufacturers/Insurance companies or home owners if and when the need arises.
    • False information provided to the WACC system may be seen as fraudulent activity and the party providing the false information may face expulsion from WACC and or criminal prosecution.
    • Registering a product on the WACC system does not guarantee the product warranty.
    • By providing client information you will need to get consent from the client at your own accord. 
    • WACC, its directors, employee’s shareholders, agents or representatives shall not share any personal information regarding the user or client unless it is legally obligated to do so.
    • By using the WACC system, the user is giving the right for WACC to desk top the installations presented on the system.
    • In the event that the user is found to be misusing the system or providing false information to generate certificates, the user will be suspended from the WACC platform.
    • By clicking the terms and conditions box the user is declaring that all information provided on the system is true and correct.
    • By clicking the terms and conditions box, you accept and agree to the information proved above.